options trading education by SJ Options

options trading



0DTE Strangle Strategy, 112 Options Trading Strategy, 1DTE Options, ATM, Bearish Options Strategies, Best Options Course, Butterfly Spread, Calendar Spread, Credit Spread Backtest, Credit Spreads Strategy, Day Trading, Defective Apple iMac, Full Time Options Trading, Greek Charm, Greek Delta, Greek Gamma, High Order Greeks, imac, imac problems, implied volatility, iron condor, IV Rank, James Cordier, Karen The Supertrader, Low Risk Trading, Naked Puts, Option Greeks, Option Strategy, option trading, option trading checklist, option trading lifestyle, option trading mindset, option trading myths, option trading profits, option trading strategies, optioncolors, optioncolors software, options analysis, Options Basics, options course, options learning course, options strategies, options trader, options trading, options trading course, options trading newsletter, options trading performance, options trading software, otm, pop, popular option trades, portfolio margin, portfolio margin trading, probabilities, probability of profit, profitable, review, San Jose Options, san jose options review, scalable, Short Condor, Short Strangle, short strangles, sj options review, spread, spreads, strangle, strategies, tasty trade, tasty trade credit spread, tasty trade credit spreads, tasty trade iv rank, tasty trade ivr, tastytrade, tastytrade credit spreads, tastytrade strangles, tastytrade verticals, technical, testimonial, theta, time decay, trading volatility, unbalanced condor, vanna, vega, Vertical Credit Spreads, veta, vomma, weekly credit spreads, Winners and Losers



Short Strangles Portfolio Margin

Short Strangles and Portfolio Margin, A Death Trap? Customer Portfolio Margin (CPM) What is CPM?  CPM is a margin methodology in which the margins are supposed to be based on risk.  The standard risk model used to calculate these risk-based margins is called the TIMS (Theoretical Intermarket Margin System).  TIMS was developed by the OCC (Options Clearing […]

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Trading Volatility

Trading Volatility The Smart Way  Increases Returns Trade After Trade   Volatility trading is essential to master when it comes to trading options.  Most traders do not understand just how important it is, but it actually determines the outcome of most option trades. Volatility’s Impact on ROI Volatility has a tremendous impact on the return of an […]

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POP Trading Methodology

POP (Probability of Profit) Trading Methodology With Popular Strategies Condors, Strangles, Credit Spreads, Calendars, Butterflies, Diagonals, Covered Calls, Ratios, Naked Calls and Puts, Etc. Trading on POP (probability of profit), although very popular, is not the most effective way to trade.  In fact, statistics indicate it’s the number 1 reason that most options traders lose money […]

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Life of a Tastytrade Follower

We received this message from a long-time Tastytrade follower, and the person wished to share the email with the public. Good evening, I’m reaching out to you in hopes of further educating myself on a long term and sustainable options trading plan. I’ve been trading primarily iron condors and various spreads over the past few […]

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Why Karen The Supertrader Lost Money

Why Karen The Supertrader’s Fund Lost Money Year After Year After creating years of buzz through advertising by tastytrade that Karen Burton was profiting millions from short strangles, the SEC stated, “Karen the Supertrader’s Winning Strategy Relied on Fraud.”  If you read the SEC report, you will find that each month when she was losing, she sold […]

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