options trading education by SJ Options

options trading



0DTE Strangle Strategy, 112 Options Trading Strategy, 1DTE Options, ATM, Bearish Options Strategies, Best Options Course, Butterfly Spread, Calendar Spread, Credit Spread Backtest, Credit Spreads Strategy, Day Trading, Defective Apple iMac, Full Time Options Trading, Greek Charm, Greek Delta, Greek Gamma, High Order Greeks, imac, imac problems, implied volatility, iron condor, IV Rank, James Cordier, Karen The Supertrader, Low Risk Trading, Naked Puts, Option Greeks, Option Strategy, option trading, option trading checklist, option trading lifestyle, option trading mindset, option trading myths, option trading profits, option trading strategies, optioncolors, optioncolors software, options analysis, Options Basics, options course, options learning course, options strategies, options trader, options trading, options trading course, options trading newsletter, options trading performance, options trading software, otm, pop, popular option trades, portfolio margin, portfolio margin trading, probabilities, probability of profit, profitable, review, San Jose Options, san jose options review, scalable, Short Condor, Short Strangle, short strangles, sj options review, spread, spreads, strangle, strategies, tasty trade, tasty trade credit spread, tasty trade credit spreads, tasty trade iv rank, tasty trade ivr, tastytrade, tastytrade credit spreads, tastytrade strangles, tastytrade verticals, technical, testimonial, theta, time decay, trading volatility, unbalanced condor, vanna, vega, Vertical Credit Spreads, veta, vomma, weekly credit spreads, Winners and Losers



Iron Condor v Butterfly Spread

Iron Condor v Butterfly Spread A High Probability Iron Condor v. a Low Probability Butterfly In our last conversation we started to talk about the reality of option trading and the probability of various option spreads.  Today, we’ll look further into this topic by comparing a high-prob Condor trade with a low-prob Butterfly. Theoretical Probability […]

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Iron Condor and Butterfly Spread

Iron Condor and Butterfly Spread Thoughts Today will be discussing the difference between the Iron Condor and the Butterfly spread.  Although these two trades have very different titles, they both carry very similar risks and similar option Greeks characteristics.  In this article we will point out some interesting facts about the two popular option spreads. THE […]

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Broken Wing Butterflies – Recent Regulation Change

Recent Regulation Changes with Broken Wing Butterflies Broken Wing Butterflies have been around for quite some time but it’s never gained much popularity. It’s not such an abstract concept really. It’s simply a butterfly spread constructed of two verticals which are different widths. You can also construct a very similar trade by using the same […]

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