options trading education by SJ Options
Iron Condor and Butterfly Spread Thoughts Today will be discussing the difference between the Iron Condor and the Butterfly spread. Although these two trades have very different titles, they both carry very similar risks and similar option Greeks characteristics. In this article we will point out some interesting facts about the two popular option spreads. THE […]
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In today’s lesson will be talking about R-POP™, which is a trademark of San Jose Options. R-POP stands for realistic probability of profit. We arrive at this calculation by removing the necessary amount of risk from a trade’s risk profile and then calculate the probability of profit after. So the R-POP™ is a probability measurement […]
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The SJ Options Difference One of the most common questions that we consistently are asked is, “What’s the difference between your course and other courses on the market?” Well, there are numerous differences between San Jose Options and the rest. 1. San Jose Options does not teach any traditional option strategies. These include short-term iron […]
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Over the years we’ve received numerous inquiries about a credit spread trading system that involves the use of multiple credit spread simultaneously for diversification. The system consists of the following: Trader uses 20 credit spreads simultaneously, does not make any adjustments, and then simply relies on probability to make money. This system has a few […]
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Newsletter – It’s Time To Propel Your Options Education To A Higher Level! To All My Fellow Option Traders, Thank you for expressing interest in the San Jose Options mentoring program. We are excited to have you step aboard. Through our newsletter service you’ll find that we are not your ordinary options course, but rather […]
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Probability: Understanding the Difference Between Reality and Fantasy In the image you can see how narrow the safe zone is on the Iron Condor. Once we factor in this risk, the trade has a very low probability of profit. SJ Options braves a new path when it comes to probability and analysis of stock option […]
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A Closer Look at Calendar Options Spreads What you are looking at is a 32-Day-Out Calendar Spread constructed on the RUT. In case you didn’t know already, the Calendar options spread is constructed by selling an option and buying an option, but the contract sold has a shorter-term expiration. The strikes will be the same […]
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Don’t Let Your Profits Slip Away Locking in profits is one of the most difficult and most integral parts to trading options successfully. However, we have developed techniques over the years to lock in profits on most option strategies. “When I have a profit on a Broken Wing Butterfly trade, I make an adjustment which […]
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Options Trading Strategies Here is a list of some common options trading strategies and when you might employ them. When IV is Low: Diagonals Calendars Time Ratios Back Ratios Short Condors Short Butterflies Unbalanced Condors Broken Wing Butterflies When IV is High: Unbalanced Condors Broken Wing Butterflies Front Ratios Time Ratios As you can see […]
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The Only Way To Learn To Trade Options There are so many nuances to trade options that it’s really best to learn from others who trade. Sure, you can pick up a few pointers here and there from Youtube or from the popular printed books, but will you really learn how to trade that way? […]
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