options trading education by SJ Options

options trading



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Options Delta – A Major Key to Successful Options Trading

The Importance of Options Delta Delta is an option Greek and one of the major keys to options trading profitability. Understanding what Delta is and how to use it can really increase your odds of options trading success. Unfortunately, no one really talks about it. You rarely, if ever, see it in financial newspapers like […]

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Santa Claus Rally – Seasonal Market Trends

The Numbers Behind The Santa Claus Rally Go on vacation during the Holidays and you come back with the stock market blazing. Naturally this brings us back to some of the seasonal quirks of the stock market. One that comes to mind is the Santa Claus Rally. Is it real? Is it something you should […]

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How to Trade the Fiscal Cliff

The world of investing is at the mercy of Washington DC over the last few days of 2012 in a clash between two titans: Obama vs Congress. The battle to be determined is the “Fiscal Cliff”. We hear about it on the news, we see it via headlines on the internet or print, and at […]

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How to Choose the Right Option Strategy

The Right Option Strategy As an options trader, we can play the market any way that we want. We can trade index options, options on bonds, options on futures, and general stock options on companies. In this article, we are going to dive into a simplistic, yet effective, way to choose a particular option strategy […]

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Why Portfolio Margin Traders Need Paper Trading

Do you still paper trade alongside your real account? If not, we really think you should. Paper Trading Here’s why: Just because you are trading real money it does not mean you need to stop learning and trying out different strategies. As a portfolio margin trader, you are an experienced trader. We understand that. So […]

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Options Stock Split and How To Take Advantage

How Options Stock Split, an article about stock splits and how it can be the beginning of a bullish move. Options Stock Split A stock split is actually simple to understand when you break it down.  By understanding how they work options traders can easily take advantage of these common occurrences in the market. When […]

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